Our Parent App

We are very proud of our nursery software system eyWorks, which helps us to share and involve parents each day in your child’s time at nursery. Daily observations allow us to share some lovely snapshots of the children’s day which our families very often comment back on, allowing us to share this with your child… bringing you to nursery and nursery to you! Perfect!
As a parent, you can also capture special moments in the form of an observation at home which you can then share with us, all of which will be digitally held and recorded in your child’s special learning journey which you can access as a special memory at the end of your child’s time with us.
From first steps, to birthdays, trips to the zoo, or new words spoken, you can upload details of this onto our platform so that we can continue this learning at nursery – this creates a permanent link between home and nursery life and builds on a shared approach. Most importantly, it helps us to really understand your child and their interests and shows each tiny step of their development so beautifully!