As we are able to offer you an array of childcare services to suite your individual needs, our fees are available upon request.
We do accept government childcare vouchers so please view funding information below.
To enrol your child at our setting today, please click below and complete our online enrolment form.
Children from working families 9 month olds up to 23 months may be entitled to 570 hours a year.
Some 2-year-olds whose family receive additional support from Government are entitled to 570 disadvantaged funded hours a year.
Some 2 year-olds from working families may be entitled to 570 hours a year.
All 3 and 4-year-olds are entitled to 570 hours a year (universal entitlement).
Some 3 and 4-year-olds from working families may be entitled to an additional 570 hours (extended or 30 hours entitlement) a year.
Please click the link below to visit the Government website to see if you are eligible and how to apply.​
Opening Times
We are open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm – full day.
Our nurseries will be closed for all
bank holidays and will close at 1pm
on occasion when Christmas Eve or New Years Eve fall on a week day.
Full Day
8am -6pm
1pm -6pm
8am -6pm